


News about CryptoMines

CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
21 May 2022, 21:41
"CryptoMinesโ€ was once the most played "Click to Earn" game in the history of the blockchain. With a large amount of transactions per second we managed to be responsible for more than 50% of the transactions of the BNB Chain (BSC), also maintaining a quality in our services where no hacks, exploits or prolonged maintenance times for days were involved, with this we managed to create a new quality standard in the blockchain gaming industry. Unfortunately, everything comes to an end and despite all the efforts, circumstances have made that "CryptoMines" could not follow the course it had planned to continue being the project that the community expected. We have tried very hard to be as transparent as possible in each of our decisions and actions, but this has not been attractive enough for the happiness of the whole community, causing waves of hatred and witch-hunting towards the "CryptoMines" staff. We faithfully believe that we have been one of the more transparent teams and more attached to the people in the "Play-to-Earn" community, always trying that most of them are not affected or trying to compensate them in some way, but this has repaid us with direct threats to our families, disclosure of private information, harassment both online and physically, and death threats. Since "Legacy" we have suffered this type of action being one of the many reasons why we did not meet in the chats as we did back then, however, when we gave the community another chance and tried again, we only found an increase in these types of attacks. For this reason, we have decided to move away completely from the "Play-to-Earn" community forever, as it can be a community full of hate and resentment to development teams that try to do things in an honest and transparent way. And not to lose the habit: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Farewell, Manu - CEO, CryptoMines
"CryptoMines" was once the most played "Click to Earn" game in the history of the blockchain.
"CryptoMinesโ€ was once the most played "Click to Earn" game in the history of the blockchain. With a large amount of transactions per second we managed to be responsible for more than 50% of the transactions of the BNB Chain (BSC), also maintaining a quality in our services where no hacks, exploits or prolonged maintenance times for days were involved, with this we managed to create a new quality standard in the blockchain gaming industry. Unfortunately, everything comes to an end and despite all the efforts, circumstances have made that "CryptoMines" could not follow the course it had planned to continue being the project that the community expected. We have tried very hard to be as transparent as possible in each of our decisions and actions, but this has not been attractive enough for the happiness of the whole community, causing waves of hatred and witch-hunting towards the "CryptoMines" staff. We faithfully believe that we have been one of the more transparent teams and more attached to the people in the "Play-to-Earn" community, always trying that most of them are not affected or trying to compensate them in some way, but this has repaid us with direct threats to our families, disclosure of private information, harassment both online and physically, and death threats. Since "Legacy" we have suffered this type of action being one of the many reasons why we did not meet in the chats as we did back then, however, when we gave the community another chance and tried again, we only found an increase in these types of attacks. For this reason, we have decided to move away completely from the "Play-to-Earn" community forever, as it can be a community full of hate and resentment to development teams that try to do things in an honest and transparent way. And not to lose the habit: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Farewell, Manu - CEO, CryptoMines
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
21 May 2022, 17:14
Hello Explorers, The rewards pool was completely drained after the previously announced payout of rewards. To finish this compensation process we have made a buy back of approximately 242,503 $CRUX in order to refill the rewards pool freeing up the WCRUX staking for all fleets. 1. Buyback TX: 2. Buyback TX: 3. Refill TX: This measure was taken to supplement players' earnings and complete what was stated in the last announcement. We hope with this that players will be able to release funds and withdraw their remaining WCRUX.
Hello Explorers,. The rewards pool was completely drained after the previously announced payout of rewards.
Hello Explorers, The rewards pool was completely drained after the previously announced payout of rewards. To finish this compensation process we have made a buy back of approximately 242,503 $CRUX in order to refill the rewards pool freeing up the WCRUX staking for all fleets. 1. Buyback TX: 2. Buyback TX: 3. Refill TX: This measure was taken to supplement players' earnings and complete what was stated in the last announcement. We hope with this that players will be able to release funds and withdraw their remaining WCRUX.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
20 May 2022, 01:03
Greetings Explorers, After the closing announcement, the amount of tradeable WCRUX remaining in the game is practically 0, which tells us that all players withdrew their total funds they had available, also we have made the corresponding calculations under the following criteria: โž” All wallets that have fleets up to the day of closing announcement were taken into account. โž” We calculated the total USDT value of purchased $CRUX and all sales of $CRUX (At their sold value) and the subtraction of the amount of purchased $CRUX minus the total sales of $CRUX gave us the "loss" value of each of these players. โž” We took into account the current MP and the amount of fleets in the account to decide if they qualified to receive their share of the reward (we also took into account if they were losses of trading at this point). โž” With this data they were divided into 3 tiers, those with 100 to 199 MP, those 200 to 400 MP and all others. โž” To those with 100 to 199 MP by calculating all their purchases minus sales, in this result we can see if their losses are less than 150 USDT, in this case the total amount of loss will be distributed, for those who were left in losses above 150 USDT, their maximum amount of reward will be 833 $CRUX (approximately 150 USDT). โž” For people between 200 and 399 MP, the maximum reward amount is 1,111 $CRUX (200 USDT) same as above, calculating total purchases minus total sales. That is, if the debt is less you will be distributed that amount of debt, if it is more the maximum limit of 1,111 $CRUX is given. โž” For all other players above 400 MP the reward cap is 1,528 $CRUX (275 USDT). In the following excel you can see the wallets that will receive rewards: With all this said, the tokens will be distributed on May 20, 2022 at 20:00 UTC for everyone at the same time to ensure equal treatment with all the amounts calculated at starting price. The total tokens to be distributed for all players is: 1,883,083 $CRUX. We thank you for your participation in the project, we hope that this token of our commitment to you will be to your liking and we regret not being able to recover all the funds in full, the CryptoMines team kindly bids you farewell.
Greetings Explorers,.
Greetings Explorers, After the closing announcement, the amount of tradeable WCRUX remaining in the game is practically 0, which tells us that all players withdrew their total funds they had available, also we have made the corresponding calculations under the following criteria: โž” All wallets that have fleets up to the day of closing announcement were taken into account. โž” We calculated the total USDT value of purchased $CRUX and all sales of $CRUX (At their sold value) and the subtraction of the amount of purchased $CRUX minus the total sales of $CRUX gave us the "loss" value of each of these players. โž” We took into account the current MP and the amount of fleets in the account to decide if they qualified to receive their share of the reward (we also took into account if they were losses of trading at this point). โž” With this data they were divided into 3 tiers, those with 100 to 199 MP, those 200 to 400 MP and all others. โž” To those with 100 to 199 MP by calculating all their purchases minus sales, in this result we can see if their losses are less than 150 USDT, in this case the total amount of loss will be distributed, for those who were left in losses above 150 USDT, their maximum amount of reward will be 833 $CRUX (approximately 150 USDT). โž” For people between 200 and 399 MP, the maximum reward amount is 1,111 $CRUX (200 USDT) same as above, calculating total purchases minus total sales. That is, if the debt is less you will be distributed that amount of debt, if it is more the maximum limit of 1,111 $CRUX is given. โž” For all other players above 400 MP the reward cap is 1,528 $CRUX (275 USDT). In the following excel you can see the wallets that will receive rewards: With all this said, the tokens will be distributed on May 20, 2022 at 20:00 UTC for everyone at the same time to ensure equal treatment with all the amounts calculated at starting price. The total tokens to be distributed for all players is: 1,883,083 $CRUX. We thank you for your participation in the project, we hope that this token of our commitment to you will be to your liking and we regret not being able to recover all the funds in full, the CryptoMines team kindly bids you farewell.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
17 May 2022, 22:19
Hello explorers, it is with much regret that we are writing to inform you that indeed as many have been speculating, the economy of the game has reached an irrecoverable point in which we are obliged to pronounce ourselves to put an end to the project. We tried by all means possible to increase the amount of Fleets holders (To expand user retention and convert $CRUX Holders into players to improve the Fleet/$CRUX ratio) without succeeding with all the measures taken, this prevents the token from remaining stable for longer amounts of time since the initial amount of players was very similar to the final one. There is currently no viable strategy to allow the token to recover in this current market of so much uncertainty, together with the FUD and the problems dragged from Legacy, the token had a constant fall from which it was not able to recover, and therefore, players will be affected by this constant decline. In order to mitigate these losses of players whose funds are currently at in the negatives and with no future possibility of recovery, the following measures will be taken over the next few days: Action to be taken on May 18 at 23:59 UTC: - MINT will be stopped in order to avoid future assembling of fleets. - The mining of fleets will be stopped in order not to generate more debt for players who have already made profits. - Stopping of $CRUX coin exchanges (i.e. no selling, no transferring of $CRUX) to allow time to analyze the data properly and distribute an appropriate amount with the remaining liquidity of the token to the players. - The possibility to sell and buy items in the Marketplace will be removed. - The possibility to disassemble/modify fleets will be removed. - Players' fleet Stake will be released. Taking all the values in the game into account, we are aware that it will not be possible to return the totality of the debt acquired with all the players, for this reason the distribution of rewards will be done in rounds and thus the players with lower fleets will be the first to recover part of their capital since in general they are the most affected, besides them being the majority of the users they will also consume less of the liquidity in order to be able to distribute rewards to as many players as possible. In the following rounds, funds will be given to the fleets with higher MP up to a limit that is possible to allow giving rewards to all involved, again, it will be impossible to cover all the costs of the largest debts, however, most of the players with losses may recover in the worst case a small part, and in the best cases the totality of their $CRUX entered. All this was done taking into account and prioritizing the interests of our players who actually entered and played CryptoMines Reborn (not just speculating with the price) since the project was always focused on the game and not on the token (as explained in the Whitepaper) these people are the ones we want to support in these difficult times and they are the ones who are still in the project for whom these measures were taken.
Hello explorers, it is with much regret that we are writing to inform you that indeed as many have been speculating, the economy
Hello explorers, it is with much regret that we are writing to inform you that indeed as many have been speculating, the economy of the game has reached an irrecoverable point in which we are obliged to pronounce ourselves to put an end to the project. We tried by all means possible to increase the amount of Fleets holders (To expand user retention and convert $CRUX Holders into players to improve the Fleet/$CRUX ratio) without succeeding with all the measures taken, this prevents the token from remaining stable for longer amounts of time since the initial amount of players was very similar to the final one. There is currently no viable strategy to allow the token to recover in this current market of so much uncertainty, together with the FUD and the problems dragged from Legacy, the token had a constant fall from which it was not able to recover, and therefore, players will be affected by this constant decline. In order to mitigate these losses of players whose funds are currently at in the negatives and with no future possibility of recovery, the following measures will be taken over the next few days: Action to be taken on May 18 at 23:59 UTC: - MINT will be stopped in order to avoid future assembling of fleets. - The mining of fleets will be stopped in order not to generate more debt for players who have already made profits. - Stopping of $CRUX coin exchanges (i.e. no selling, no transferring of $CRUX) to allow time to analyze the data properly and distribute an appropriate amount with the remaining liquidity of the token to the players. - The possibility to sell and buy items in the Marketplace will be removed. - The possibility to disassemble/modify fleets will be removed. - Players' fleet Stake will be released. Taking all the values in the game into account, we are aware that it will not be possible to return the totality of the debt acquired with all the players, for this reason the distribution of rewards will be done in rounds and thus the players with lower fleets will be the first to recover part of their capital since in general they are the most affected, besides them being the majority of the users they will also consume less of the liquidity in order to be able to distribute rewards to as many players as possible. In the following rounds, funds will be given to the fleets with higher MP up to a limit that is possible to allow giving rewards to all involved, again, it will be impossible to cover all the costs of the largest debts, however, most of the players with losses may recover in the worst case a small part, and in the best cases the totality of their $CRUX entered. All this was done taking into account and prioritizing the interests of our players who actually entered and played CryptoMines Reborn (not just speculating with the price) since the project was always focused on the game and not on the token (as explained in the Whitepaper) these people are the ones we want to support in these difficult times and they are the ones who are still in the project for whom these measures were taken.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
07 May 2022, 00:09
Price Performance of Play To Earn Projects Last 24H $ETERNAL @cryptominesapp $KMON @KryptomonTeam $BCOIN @BombCryptoGame $SEA @StarSharks_SSS $MC @MeritCircle_IO $CWS @seascapenetwork $GALA @GoGalaGames $WEMIX @WemixNetwork $WRLD @nftworldsNFT $SLP @AxieInfinity #P2E
Price Performance of Play To Earn Projects Last 24H. $ETERNAL @cryptominesapp. $KMON @KryptomonTeam. $BCOIN @BombCryptoGame.
Price Performance of Play To Earn Projects Last 24H $ETERNAL @cryptominesapp $KMON @KryptomonTeam $BCOIN @BombCryptoGame $SEA @StarSharks_SSS $MC @MeritCircle_IO $CWS @seascapenetwork $GALA @GoGalaGames $WEMIX @WemixNetwork $WRLD @nftworldsNFT $SLP @AxieInfinity #P2E
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
06 May 2022, 22:44
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Lucky Planet Good Evening Explorers! ๐ŸŽ‰ CryptoMines Reborn celebrates its first month since launch, and with it we announce the discovery and preparation of the Lucky Planet๐Ÿช. ๐Ÿš€ Dust off your fleet, put on your best skins, ready your lucky charms and prepare your WCRUX. ๐Ÿฅณ The party's just getting started!!! We have a starting Jackpot of 10,000 WCRUX, who will be the first to take their share? ๐Ÿ““How does it work: โž”๐Ÿ“ The rules are simple, place your bet, roll the dice and try your luck - glory awaits! โž”๐ŸŽฒ Roll a dice equal to or below 44 to win your bet. โž”๐ŸŽฐ The chances of winning the Jackpot is 1 in 10,000. โž”:wcrux: You can bet any amount of WCRUX you wish with a minimum limit of 1 WCRUX and a maximum of 1,000 WCRUX per bet. โž”๐Ÿ’ฐAll bets charge around 0.25% of the bet amount in BNB. Don't leave without putting your luck to the test! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Lucky Planet. Good Evening Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Lucky Planet Good Evening Explorers! ๐ŸŽ‰ CryptoMines Reborn celebrates its first month since launch, and with it we announce the discovery and preparation of the Lucky Planet๐Ÿช. ๐Ÿš€ Dust off your fleet, put on your best skins, ready your lucky charms and prepare your WCRUX. ๐Ÿฅณ The party's just getting started!!! We have a starting Jackpot of 10,000 WCRUX, who will be the first to take their share? ๐Ÿ““How does it work: โž”๐Ÿ“ The rules are simple, place your bet, roll the dice and try your luck - glory awaits! โž”๐ŸŽฒ Roll a dice equal to or below 44 to win your bet. โž”๐ŸŽฐ The chances of winning the Jackpot is 1 in 10,000. โž”:wcrux: You can bet any amount of WCRUX you wish with a minimum limit of 1 WCRUX and a maximum of 1,000 WCRUX per bet. โž”๐Ÿ’ฐAll bets charge around 0.25% of the bet amount in BNB. Don't leave without putting your luck to the test! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
06 May 2022, 17:11
Hello Explorers! ๐Ÿฅณ We are pleased to announce that we have been listed on Dappradar. Check the official Dappradar website: Thanks to all the community that are growing with us. โ™ฅ๏ธ ๐Ÿš€ Let's go for top 1 dapp in BNBChain again! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
Hello Explorers. We are pleased to announce that we have been listed on Dappradar. Check the official Dappradar website:.
Hello Explorers! ๐Ÿฅณ We are pleased to announce that we have been listed on Dappradar. Check the official Dappradar website: Thanks to all the community that are growing with us. โ™ฅ๏ธ ๐Ÿš€ Let's go for top 1 dapp in BNBChain again! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
03 May 2022, 23:40
๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธCryptoMines: Quick updates ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Hello Explorers, at 23:50 UTC the event Half-Damage! will be disabled. Expeditions will be reinstated shortly with the normal damage. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
โ€CryptoMines: Quick updates โ€. Hello Explorers, at 23:50 UTC the event Half-Damage. will be disabled.
๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธCryptoMines: Quick updates ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Hello Explorers, at 23:50 UTC the event Half-Damage! will be disabled. Expeditions will be reinstated shortly with the normal damage. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
03 May 2022, 21:29
With more than 100k explorers on discord, cryptomines reborn welcomes you to this great community, where you can clear all your doubts, interact with more players and be the first to know about our latest news. Discord:
With more than 100k explorers on discord, cryptomines reborn welcomes you to this great community, where you can clear all your
With more than 100k explorers on discord, cryptomines reborn welcomes you to this great community, where you can clear all your doubts, interact with more players and be the first to know about our latest news. Discord:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
03 May 2022, 04:42
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Mini-Games Good evening Explorers! ๐ŸŽ‰ We are celebrating the return of our mini-games, you can now use your WCRUX to participate in them and try your luck, we wish you the best of luck! ๐Ÿš€ Your favorite mission Mercernary is back and its prize is much bigger than before, will you be the last one standing?. โš”๏ธ The Clash has resumed, Choose your side in this fight to the death! ๐ŸŽฐ Our Intergalactic Lottery now accepts your WCRUX, our Jackpot is even juicier than before! Are you ready to win it all? ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMines Reborn - Mini-Games. Good evening Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Mini-Games Good evening Explorers! ๐ŸŽ‰ We are celebrating the return of our mini-games, you can now use your WCRUX to participate in them and try your luck, we wish you the best of luck! ๐Ÿš€ Your favorite mission Mercernary is back and its prize is much bigger than before, will you be the last one standing?. โš”๏ธ The Clash has resumed, Choose your side in this fight to the death! ๐ŸŽฐ Our Intergalactic Lottery now accepts your WCRUX, our Jackpot is even juicier than before! Are you ready to win it all? ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
29 Apr 2022, 06:48
HOTTEST TOKENS IN #BITKEEP LAST 24 HOURS๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿฅ‡$DAR @MinesOfDalarnia ๐Ÿฅˆ$CRUX @CryptoMinesApp ๐Ÿฅ‰$ESHARE @EmpMoneyBSC 4๏ธโƒฃ$IDO @ido_meta 5๏ธโƒฃ$CAKE @PancakeSwap 6๏ธโƒฃ$SAFUU @safuuprotocol 7๏ธโƒฃ$GYMNET @GymNet_Official 8๏ธโƒฃ$APE @apecoin 9๏ธโƒฃ$BABY @babyswap_bsc ๐Ÿ”Ÿ$ELEPHANT @ElephantStatus
HOTTEST TOKENS IN #BITKEEP LAST 24 HOURS. $DAR @MinesOfDalarnia. $CRUX @CryptoMinesApp. $ESHARE @EmpMoneyBSC. $IDO @ido_meta.
HOTTEST TOKENS IN #BITKEEP LAST 24 HOURS๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿฅ‡$DAR @MinesOfDalarnia ๐Ÿฅˆ$CRUX @CryptoMinesApp ๐Ÿฅ‰$ESHARE @EmpMoneyBSC 4๏ธโƒฃ$IDO @ido_meta 5๏ธโƒฃ$CAKE @PancakeSwap 6๏ธโƒฃ$SAFUU @safuuprotocol 7๏ธโƒฃ$GYMNET @GymNet_Official 8๏ธโƒฃ$APE @apecoin 9๏ธโƒฃ$BABY @babyswap_bsc ๐Ÿ”Ÿ$ELEPHANT @ElephantStatus
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
28 Apr 2022, 03:49
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Information Good evening Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Throughout our stay in the Metaverse we continue to learn and explore different approaches to achieve the best possible stability of both our players and the entire environment around them, that is why we continue to develop different ideas that we trust will allow us to revive the interest and viability of the project in order to meet the objectives of achieving a stable game in the long term. ๐Ÿงฎ That said, this time we will make changes that will fundamentally change the economy of the game in order to solve several of the shortcomings that we have to overcome as we advance in our timeline. ๐Ÿ“… Changes to be made: โž” Goocho's labors will no longer be necessary, he has managed to maintain his functions for as long as possible, but he has been worn out and therefore will be relieved of his functions.(The oracle will cease to exist). โž” An internal currency called WCRUX (Wrapped CRUX) will be created and will be used for all in-game purposes, i.e. mint, contracts, hangars, rewards, etc. โž” This currency will have a 1 to 1 value with the $CRUX and will be exchangeable for $CRUX on our exchange. โž” All current Dark Matter will retain its value and will be available for your regular exchanges to WCRUX. โž” All in-game rewards and costs will be modified to reflect their value in WCRUX which will be constant since it will have no oracle. (Which may be adjusted in cases of large price variations). โž” The cost of Stardust needed for all repairs will be reduced by over 60% allowing unsuccessful expeditions to be less punishing for players. โž” Taxes for buying, selling and transferring $CRUX will be removed, managing to attract different groups interested in speculation. โž” The reward pool will also be gradually refilled to keep it as stable as possible and with rewards for all.
CryptoMines Reborn - Information. Good evening Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Information Good evening Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Throughout our stay in the Metaverse we continue to learn and explore different approaches to achieve the best possible stability of both our players and the entire environment around them, that is why we continue to develop different ideas that we trust will allow us to revive the interest and viability of the project in order to meet the objectives of achieving a stable game in the long term. ๐Ÿงฎ That said, this time we will make changes that will fundamentally change the economy of the game in order to solve several of the shortcomings that we have to overcome as we advance in our timeline. ๐Ÿ“… Changes to be made: โž” Goocho's labors will no longer be necessary, he has managed to maintain his functions for as long as possible, but he has been worn out and therefore will be relieved of his functions.(The oracle will cease to exist). โž” An internal currency called WCRUX (Wrapped CRUX) will be created and will be used for all in-game purposes, i.e. mint, contracts, hangars, rewards, etc. โž” This currency will have a 1 to 1 value with the $CRUX and will be exchangeable for $CRUX on our exchange. โž” All current Dark Matter will retain its value and will be available for your regular exchanges to WCRUX. โž” All in-game rewards and costs will be modified to reflect their value in WCRUX which will be constant since it will have no oracle. (Which may be adjusted in cases of large price variations). โž” The cost of Stardust needed for all repairs will be reduced by over 60% allowing unsuccessful expeditions to be less punishing for players. โž” Taxes for buying, selling and transferring $CRUX will be removed, managing to attract different groups interested in speculation. โž” The reward pool will also be gradually refilled to keep it as stable as possible and with rewards for all.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
27 Apr 2022, 04:10
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Information Good evening Explorers! ๐Ÿ’ฌ On this occasion we want to talk with you about numbers, data and a brief analysis of CryptoMines Reborn as we consider important to maintain a flow of information regarding the state of the game in this Bearish environment that we are observing throughout the Crypto market (which also directly affects the price and number of players). ๐Ÿ“Š The price of $CRUX maintains a steady decline that currently could keep investors out of the project due to the continuous downtrend that can be observed, however, in order to both calm the waters and inform you about our current status we would like to share with you the following data: โž” At this moment we have a total amount of 2,037,658 Dark Matter issued, this being the total amount currently in circulation of this coin. โž” Taking into consideration the amount of Dark Matter issued, we can confidently project that the current state of the reward pool which contains 1,759,441 $CRUX is more than capable of covering the debt obtained so far. โž” Within all the data delivered, we would also like to mention to you that the existing liquidity for the $CRUX token is and remains one of the most liquid coins of all Play-To-Earn games in existence. ๐Ÿ“… Next steps and updates: โž” A targeted marketing campaign to audiences where we still have little reach. โž” Planet Casino will open its doors very soon!. โž” Later we will have the DM Stake for those people who keep their DMs and want to get better returns. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMines Reborn - Information. Good evening Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Information Good evening Explorers! ๐Ÿ’ฌ On this occasion we want to talk with you about numbers, data and a brief analysis of CryptoMines Reborn as we consider important to maintain a flow of information regarding the state of the game in this Bearish environment that we are observing throughout the Crypto market (which also directly affects the price and number of players). ๐Ÿ“Š The price of $CRUX maintains a steady decline that currently could keep investors out of the project due to the continuous downtrend that can be observed, however, in order to both calm the waters and inform you about our current status we would like to share with you the following data: โž” At this moment we have a total amount of 2,037,658 Dark Matter issued, this being the total amount currently in circulation of this coin. โž” Taking into consideration the amount of Dark Matter issued, we can confidently project that the current state of the reward pool which contains 1,759,441 $CRUX is more than capable of covering the debt obtained so far. โž” Within all the data delivered, we would also like to mention to you that the existing liquidity for the $CRUX token is and remains one of the most liquid coins of all Play-To-Earn games in existence. ๐Ÿ“… Next steps and updates: โž” A targeted marketing campaign to audiences where we still have little reach. โž” Planet Casino will open its doors very soon!. โž” Later we will have the DM Stake for those people who keep their DMs and want to get better returns. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
20 Apr 2022, 21:52
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Missions Greetings once again Explorers! We want to present you our latest update Missions๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿš€: โš”๏ธ Last One Standing! โš”๏ธ: Hire your mercenary and defend your territory, if you manage to go 10 minutes without anyone hiring an opponent you will take the victory. โŒ›๏ธ Every time a mercenary gets paid 2 DM the counter will be reset to 10 minutes, the fee for this mission has also been reduced by 50%. Participate now!: ๐Ÿ’ฐ Starting bounty is 1,000 DM, be the last one standing and take it all! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMines Reborn - Missions. Greetings once again Explorers. We want to present you our latest update Missions:.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Missions Greetings once again Explorers! We want to present you our latest update Missions๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿš€: โš”๏ธ Last One Standing! โš”๏ธ: Hire your mercenary and defend your territory, if you manage to go 10 minutes without anyone hiring an opponent you will take the victory. โŒ›๏ธ Every time a mercenary gets paid 2 DM the counter will be reset to 10 minutes, the fee for this mission has also been reduced by 50%. Participate now!: ๐Ÿ’ฐ Starting bounty is 1,000 DM, be the last one standing and take it all! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
20 Apr 2022, 20:25
CryptoMines telegram news 20 April 2022 20:25
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
19 Apr 2022, 23:41
Hello explorers, Dr. Emrys hosted an AMA and we want the non spanish speaker community to understand what we wanted to state regarding all the questions Dr.Emrys and the community had. ๐ŸŒŽ We publish a English transcription of the whole AMA on our Medium: Thanks to everyone who participated on our AMA. ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
Hello explorers,.
Hello explorers, Dr. Emrys hosted an AMA and we want the non spanish speaker community to understand what we wanted to state regarding all the questions Dr.Emrys and the community had. ๐ŸŒŽ We publish a English transcription of the whole AMA on our Medium: Thanks to everyone who participated on our AMA. ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
19 Apr 2022, 22:47
โ€” Team: About switching to another network since these are some questions that have asked the community, we think BNB Chain is the most safe one for every player. The BNB chain have been working a while with a lot of P2E games for a while now and even though it's not ''perfect'', it's a very verified network that we trust on. โ€” Team: Thank you very much for you all's times, we wanted to let the community in on the many new updates that are coming up. We wish to keep on touch with many of you as possible. We're working every single day and we want to thank to all the players that encourage us and other new investors to believe in this game. Special thanks to you for @MOD | Patty collaborating with this translation CM | DarkPeanut โ€” Yesterday at 00:11 โ€” Team: We don't have any tokens allocated for the Team, so we use some of the BNB gas fees to be able to maintain and update the CM Reborn ecosystem. We also use it for partnerships, listings, salaries, etc. We consider it to be better than having tokens for this kinds of utilities so we don't cause any massive sell that could affect the game economy. โ€” Dr. Emrys: Could there be other tweaks that lower daily expenses and maintain the ROI? For example: Reduce the DM reward for the expedition but make the fleet only take damage if it succeeds or directly under the full repair Stardust of those levels. โ€” Team: Those changes can be made but if you lower the amount of Stardust we will have to lower the rewards and we can't imagine at the moment what result would cause in the community. About the expedition not being damaged when the fleet fails, it could be more complicated. We want to try to create a balance that allows players to feel calm and we don't want to be constantly switching strategies. However, the rise in rewards on the highest planets is confirmed. โ€” Dr. Emrys: Beyond the current game version, with mechanics similar to Legacy. Are there any extra gameplay mechanics for the future? โ€” Team: Sure. In fact, we've kept on with the 3D gameplay ever since we started, yet we still have some priorities because we want to make sure the economy is going great before we launch 3D and lands. We have some demo's going on and there are workers being able to walk and in the future we're going to implement them in order to give out some entertainment and value to the player's experience. โ€” Dr. Emrys: What about the skins? โ€” Team: They are meant to be collectioned and we want these NFT's to have value inside and outside the game. โ€” Team: We want the players to feel connected to what Cryptomines Reborn aims for. We think it's important that we adjust all of the smallets details in order for the community to be happy so that way we can sum up in a healthy long-term economy. There's always a reason for every single decision that we take, and we are motivated by the community to be able to be part of this profitable and sustainable through the time game. โ€” Dr. Emrys: What about the Team? Are you expanding? โ€” Team: Sure. We've definetely grow the members of the Team. We're consistantly looking for new partnerships and helpers. If anyone's interested we have all the doors open. We need different kinds of people who can work along with us. We re very thankful for all of the persons that work for the game, it isn't such an easy job. โ€” Dr. Emrys: How do you see the communities distributed amongst the world? โ€” Team: Our current scope is aimed on making sure the economy is as sustainable as it can be, but we will allocate tons of marketing to the growth of the game once we're oficially set up. However, a few past weeks ago, we joined an important event in which we talked about Cryptomines Reborn and we got to interact with really important investors. โ€” Team: We're not looking for financing, our project is very organic. So we're focused on maintaining the game develop in a natural way. About CEX's, most of them rise the volume of the token yet don't really add up value to the gameplay and that's what we're focusing on, because the tokens acquired in CEX's are mostly from s
โ€” Team: About switching to another network since these are some questions that have asked the community, we think BNB Chain is t
โ€” Team: About switching to another network since these are some questions that have asked the community, we think BNB Chain is the most safe one for every player. The BNB chain have been working a while with a lot of P2E games for a while now and even though it's not ''perfect'', it's a very verified network that we trust on. โ€” Team: Thank you very much for you all's times, we wanted to let the community in on the many new updates that are coming up. We wish to keep on touch with many of you as possible. We're working every single day and we want to thank to all the players that encourage us and other new investors to believe in this game. Special thanks to you for @MOD | Patty collaborating with this translation CM | DarkPeanut โ€” Yesterday at 00:11 โ€” Team: We don't have any tokens allocated for the Team, so we use some of the BNB gas fees to be able to maintain and update the CM Reborn ecosystem. We also use it for partnerships, listings, salaries, etc. We consider it to be better than having tokens for this kinds of utilities so we don't cause any massive sell that could affect the game economy. โ€” Dr. Emrys: Could there be other tweaks that lower daily expenses and maintain the ROI? For example: Reduce the DM reward for the expedition but make the fleet only take damage if it succeeds or directly under the full repair Stardust of those levels. โ€” Team: Those changes can be made but if you lower the amount of Stardust we will have to lower the rewards and we can't imagine at the moment what result would cause in the community. About the expedition not being damaged when the fleet fails, it could be more complicated. We want to try to create a balance that allows players to feel calm and we don't want to be constantly switching strategies. However, the rise in rewards on the highest planets is confirmed. โ€” Dr. Emrys: Beyond the current game version, with mechanics similar to Legacy. Are there any extra gameplay mechanics for the future? โ€” Team: Sure. In fact, we've kept on with the 3D gameplay ever since we started, yet we still have some priorities because we want to make sure the economy is going great before we launch 3D and lands. We have some demo's going on and there are workers being able to walk and in the future we're going to implement them in order to give out some entertainment and value to the player's experience. โ€” Dr. Emrys: What about the skins? โ€” Team: They are meant to be collectioned and we want these NFT's to have value inside and outside the game. โ€” Team: We want the players to feel connected to what Cryptomines Reborn aims for. We think it's important that we adjust all of the smallets details in order for the community to be happy so that way we can sum up in a healthy long-term economy. There's always a reason for every single decision that we take, and we are motivated by the community to be able to be part of this profitable and sustainable through the time game. โ€” Dr. Emrys: What about the Team? Are you expanding? โ€” Team: Sure. We've definetely grow the members of the Team. We're consistantly looking for new partnerships and helpers. If anyone's interested we have all the doors open. We need different kinds of people who can work along with us. We re very thankful for all of the persons that work for the game, it isn't such an easy job. โ€” Dr. Emrys: How do you see the communities distributed amongst the world? โ€” Team: Our current scope is aimed on making sure the economy is as sustainable as it can be, but we will allocate tons of marketing to the growth of the game once we're oficially set up. However, a few past weeks ago, we joined an important event in which we talked about Cryptomines Reborn and we got to interact with really important investors. โ€” Team: We're not looking for financing, our project is very organic. So we're focused on maintaining the game develop in a natural way. About CEX's, most of them rise the volume of the token yet don't really add up value to the gameplay and that's what we're focusing on, because the tokens acquired in CEX's are mostly from s
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
19 Apr 2022, 02:21
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates Greetings once again Explorers! As per previously announced, we have made the following updates: ๐Ÿ“… Important changes โž” An increase of rewards has been made on most of the planets, with their values already updated in the Whitepaper. Top planets now have exponential rewards - traversing the Galaxy is more profitable than ever! โž” Stardust damage and cost have been modified, however, they keep the same daily costs. โž” Hotfix: Fixed a problem with the Security Booster reward calculations in the calculator which did not correctly discount the Security Booster costs. โž” Many visual improvements have been added. ๐Ÿงฎ Check all reward boosts in our calculator and make the best possible strategy: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMines Reborn - Updates. Greetings once again Explorers. As per previously announced, we have made the following updates:.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates Greetings once again Explorers! As per previously announced, we have made the following updates: ๐Ÿ“… Important changes โž” An increase of rewards has been made on most of the planets, with their values already updated in the Whitepaper. Top planets now have exponential rewards - traversing the Galaxy is more profitable than ever! โž” Stardust damage and cost have been modified, however, they keep the same daily costs. โž” Hotfix: Fixed a problem with the Security Booster reward calculations in the calculator which did not correctly discount the Security Booster costs. โž” Many visual improvements have been added. ๐Ÿงฎ Check all reward boosts in our calculator and make the best possible strategy: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
17 Apr 2022, 22:06
CryptoMines telegram news 17 April 2022 22:06
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
17 Apr 2022, 16:21
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Legacy - News Hello explorers, In order to prepare for The Big Burn! And generate a fair environment for all users we have made the following decisions for CryptoMines Legacy. โ†’ NFT sales from the Marketplace will be temporarily disabled as of 17:00 UTC. โ†’ Mass Burning will be disabled so all users will have an equal opportunity to burn their NFTs. โ†’ Panchito will take a break and leave Oracle with a value of $1 USDT per $ETERNAL. โ†’ Each NFT will give 20% of the mint value, this means that you will return 4 $ETERNAL per NFT. โ†’ Fleet disassembly limitations will be removed. Remember: The burn will start on Monday, April 18 at 00:00 UTC. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Legacy Site:
CryptoMines Legacy - News. Hello explorers,. In order to prepare for The Big Burn.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Legacy - News Hello explorers, In order to prepare for The Big Burn! And generate a fair environment for all users we have made the following decisions for CryptoMines Legacy. โ†’ NFT sales from the Marketplace will be temporarily disabled as of 17:00 UTC. โ†’ Mass Burning will be disabled so all users will have an equal opportunity to burn their NFTs. โ†’ Panchito will take a break and leave Oracle with a value of $1 USDT per $ETERNAL. โ†’ Each NFT will give 20% of the mint value, this means that you will return 4 $ETERNAL per NFT. โ†’ Fleet disassembly limitations will be removed. Remember: The burn will start on Monday, April 18 at 00:00 UTC. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Legacy Site:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
17 Apr 2022, 00:03
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates ๐Ÿ“ This time we come with our newly implemented updates and information from our AMA. ๐Ÿ“… Important Changes โž” Added the security booster to make your expeditions go as smoothly as possible. โž” Added a dynamic reward calculator where you can easily calculate your strategies for the most profitable outcomes. ๐Ÿ’ฌ Ask Me Anything - AMA with Dr. Emrys: Developers and the community! We will have an AMA with our Hispanic community on Monday April 18 at 20:00 UTC with Dr. Emrys as host where we will answer the most common questions and doubts, as well as our vision and future updates of the game. All questions will be translated and added to an FAQ section so our english community can be in the loop. ๐Ÿ“… CryptoMines Legacy News. It has already been a week since the injection of $ETERNAL to the rewards pool where 225,000 $ETERNAL are still available, therefore, as of Monday April 18 at 00:00 UTC the dismantling and burning of your NFTs.
CryptoMines Reborn - Updates. This time we come with our newly implemented updates and information from our AMA.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates ๐Ÿ“ This time we come with our newly implemented updates and information from our AMA. ๐Ÿ“… Important Changes โž” Added the security booster to make your expeditions go as smoothly as possible. โž” Added a dynamic reward calculator where you can easily calculate your strategies for the most profitable outcomes. ๐Ÿ’ฌ Ask Me Anything - AMA with Dr. Emrys: Developers and the community! We will have an AMA with our Hispanic community on Monday April 18 at 20:00 UTC with Dr. Emrys as host where we will answer the most common questions and doubts, as well as our vision and future updates of the game. All questions will be translated and added to an FAQ section so our english community can be in the loop. ๐Ÿ“… CryptoMines Legacy News. It has already been a week since the injection of $ETERNAL to the rewards pool where 225,000 $ETERNAL are still available, therefore, as of Monday April 18 at 00:00 UTC the dismantling and burning of your NFTs.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
12 Apr 2022, 22:50
๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธCryptoMines: Quick updates ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Hello Explorers, at 23:30 UTC the expeditions will be deactivated to deploy several changes and end the "Goocho's Blessing!" event. Expeditions will be reinstated during the next hours . ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
โ€CryptoMines: Quick updates โ€.
๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธCryptoMines: Quick updates ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Hello Explorers, at 23:30 UTC the expeditions will be deactivated to deploy several changes and end the "Goocho's Blessing!" event. Expeditions will be reinstated during the next hours . ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
12 Apr 2022, 00:05
To claim your first expedition from the 5th you must do your expeditions today first
To claim your first expedition from the 5th you must do your expeditions today first.
To claim your first expedition from the 5th you must do your expeditions today first
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
10 Apr 2022, 22:16
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates Greetings again Explorers! ๐ŸŽ‰ We are starting the extended event Goocho's Blessing๐Ÿค–, all fleets going on explorations will not see their durability reduced. ๐Ÿ™Goocho's Blessing will be available for two days, starting at 00:00 UTC on Monday, April 11, 2022 until 23:00 UTC on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Important changes to the schedule: - Changes to be implemented today will be delayed as further analysis and review of all corresponding values must be performed. - To compensate for the delay, the event that was only available on Monday was extended to be available Monday and Tuesday (until 23:00 UTC). - For these reasons none of the changes will be deployed yet. ๐Ÿ“ The CryptoMines Reborn community is full of capable explorers who watch over the welfare of the metaverse, so we have decided to analyze all the data accurately and tackle the problems that afflict players in the healthiest way possible. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Updates. Greetings again Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates Greetings again Explorers! ๐ŸŽ‰ We are starting the extended event Goocho's Blessing๐Ÿค–, all fleets going on explorations will not see their durability reduced. ๐Ÿ™Goocho's Blessing will be available for two days, starting at 00:00 UTC on Monday, April 11, 2022 until 23:00 UTC on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Important changes to the schedule: - Changes to be implemented today will be delayed as further analysis and review of all corresponding values must be performed. - To compensate for the delay, the event that was only available on Monday was extended to be available Monday and Tuesday (until 23:00 UTC). - For these reasons none of the changes will be deployed yet. ๐Ÿ“ The CryptoMines Reborn community is full of capable explorers who watch over the welfare of the metaverse, so we have decided to analyze all the data accurately and tackle the problems that afflict players in the healthiest way possible. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
10 Apr 2022, 18:37
๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธCryptoMines: Quick updates ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Hello explores, we have deployed this quicks updates on the game, these updates are live right now: โ†’ Now 20% of your exchange of CRUX to DM will be credited into "In-game Only DM", this is to prevent abusers that are trading versus the rewards pool. This change should not affect regular users. โ†’ We have disabled the burning feature in CryptoMines Legacy. As pool refill is coming in a few hours we want to prioritize users with pending claim. โ†’ We have recovered $ETERNAL from a few DEX in order to help us refill the pool. โ†’ To help long-time players on CryptoMines Legacy, we have modified the claim percentage to 0% so that they can withdraw all their winnings without any restriction. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
โ€CryptoMines: Quick updates โ€.
๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธCryptoMines: Quick updates ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Hello explores, we have deployed this quicks updates on the game, these updates are live right now: โ†’ Now 20% of your exchange of CRUX to DM will be credited into "In-game Only DM", this is to prevent abusers that are trading versus the rewards pool. This change should not affect regular users. โ†’ We have disabled the burning feature in CryptoMines Legacy. As pool refill is coming in a few hours we want to prioritize users with pending claim. โ†’ We have recovered $ETERNAL from a few DEX in order to help us refill the pool. โ†’ To help long-time players on CryptoMines Legacy, we have modified the claim percentage to 0% so that they can withdraw all their winnings without any restriction. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
08 Apr 2022, 11:05
The game is not even 3 days old things need to be balanced. Wait for updates. People that contiune to complain will be muted.
The game is not even 3 days old things need to be balanced. Wait for updates. People that contiune to complain will be muted.
The game is not even 3 days old things need to be balanced. Wait for updates. People that contiune to complain will be muted.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
08 Apr 2022, 10:01
Wait for changes. They will come just be patient. The game has been out 2.5 days.
Wait for changes. They will come just be patient. The game has been out 2. 5 days.
Wait for changes. They will come just be patient. The game has been out 2.5 days.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
07 Apr 2022, 19:13
like any game , you dont go and get the best weapons from the start , it takes time , patience and most of all experience to build the best player or in the case fleet would a game be fun if you could get all the best weapons and complete it in a day? or does the fun come from building from nothing to a high level some people are lucky to have tens of thousands at the start but coming back each day and building is just a viable method
like any game , you dont go and get the best weapons from the start , it takes time , patience and most of all experience to bui
like any game , you dont go and get the best weapons from the start , it takes time , patience and most of all experience to build the best player or in the case fleet would a game be fun if you could get all the best weapons and complete it in a day? or does the fun come from building from nothing to a high level some people are lucky to have tens of thousands at the start but coming back each day and building is just a viable method
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
30 Mar 2022, 19:45
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames Greetings once again Explorers @everyone! ๐Ÿš€ The Intergalactic Lottery and CLASH have agreed to broaden their horizons, from now on you will be able to use your precious in-game only Dark Matter earned by the Stake in both mini-games. ๐Ÿ’ฐ To celebrate this occasion, an extra 10,000 Dark Matter was added to the Prize Pool of the Intergalactic Lottery, participate for the chance to take your slice, great prizes await!! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ โš ๏ธ Be safe, only use official Links: Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames. Greetings once again Explorers @everyone.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames Greetings once again Explorers @everyone! ๐Ÿš€ The Intergalactic Lottery and CLASH have agreed to broaden their horizons, from now on you will be able to use your precious in-game only Dark Matter earned by the Stake in both mini-games. ๐Ÿ’ฐ To celebrate this occasion, an extra 10,000 Dark Matter was added to the Prize Pool of the Intergalactic Lottery, participate for the chance to take your slice, great prizes await!! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ โš ๏ธ Be safe, only use official Links: Main Site: Mini-Games: Whitepaper:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
30 Mar 2022, 03:30
๐Ÿ›  CryptoMines Reborn โ€“ Patch Notes - March, 30 2022 ๐Ÿ›  - Fixed issue with decimals in the CryptoMines Exchanger (Dark Matter): Now you can swap using decimals. - Ease to exchange CRUX to Dark Matter: Now you can auto-calculate your CRUX value based on the Dark Matter input. - Visual Alerts for swaps: Added some visual alerts, now you can know when you can exchange your currencies. - Ledger compatibility: Some users were facing an issue using ledgers with Metamask.
CryptoMines Reborn โ€“ Patch Notes - March, 30 2022.
๐Ÿ›  CryptoMines Reborn โ€“ Patch Notes - March, 30 2022 ๐Ÿ›  - Fixed issue with decimals in the CryptoMines Exchanger (Dark Matter): Now you can swap using decimals. - Ease to exchange CRUX to Dark Matter: Now you can auto-calculate your CRUX value based on the Dark Matter input. - Visual Alerts for swaps: Added some visual alerts, now you can know when you can exchange your currencies. - Ledger compatibility: Some users were facing an issue using ledgers with Metamask.
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
28 Mar 2022, 15:49
Here is the thing everyone fails to realise The devs have been working tirelessly for months to bring reborn to you guys Yes the cm1 crashed due to a bunch of reasons outside of the devs control But they have given so much to the users during the crash , they threw millions of dollars into so you could mine for extra days (they didnโ€™t need to do that) They have also given you the option to stake , paying a very attractive rate which supports the new economy and also pays you a good rate They didnโ€™t need to do that The devs have done more than any dev team in this space has ever done Eternal is over itโ€™s been over for months Crux is the new token and yes you are early
Here is the thing everyone fails to realise. The devs have been working tirelessly for months to bring reborn to you guys.
Here is the thing everyone fails to realise The devs have been working tirelessly for months to bring reborn to you guys Yes the cm1 crashed due to a bunch of reasons outside of the devs control But they have given so much to the users during the crash , they threw millions of dollars into so you could mine for extra days (they didnโ€™t need to do that) They have also given you the option to stake , paying a very attractive rate which supports the new economy and also pays you a good rate They didnโ€™t need to do that The devs have done more than any dev team in this space has ever done Eternal is over itโ€™s been over for months Crux is the new token and yes you are early
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
28 Mar 2022, 04:11
๐Ÿ“ข Greetings explorers! During these weeks the launch of the Whitepaper and the beginning of the CryptoMines Reborn Stake were made, so the telegram channels are reopened so you can chat again, ask questions, and clarify all the doubts you have within the official channels. We will continue with more announcements and news during the launch, stay tuned! Remember to always look for information in our official channels, so we would like to invite you once again to our official Telegram channel, welcome! Whitepaper: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
Greetings explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข Greetings explorers! During these weeks the launch of the Whitepaper and the beginning of the CryptoMines Reborn Stake were made, so the telegram channels are reopened so you can chat again, ask questions, and clarify all the doubts you have within the official channels. We will continue with more announcements and news during the launch, stay tuned! Remember to always look for information in our official channels, so we would like to invite you once again to our official Telegram channel, welcome! Whitepaper: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
24 Mar 2022, 22:39
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates Greetings once again Explorers! ๐Ÿ“ Continuing with the latest updates, we have added the following changes: - The exchange of $CRUX to Dark Matter has been modified, to improve the security of the exchange, the maximum amount of swaps has been reduced to 2 per day. - The exchange interval from Dark Matter to $CRUX has been increased, if you acquired Dark Matter you will only be able to exchange it back to $CRUX once 24 hours have passed since you acquired it. - Added Adjust collateral option, this will allow you to add more collateral to your Stake in case you have entered your fleets individually. - The Unstake option was added, allowing players who do not wish to participate to withdraw their $CRUX and DM collateral, however, staked fleets were already dismantled so they cannot be recovered. - Finally, the registration period for the Stake will be extended until April 5, 2022 and will be announced in conjunction with the launch of CryptoMines Reborn. For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Updates. Greetings once again Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Updates Greetings once again Explorers! ๐Ÿ“ Continuing with the latest updates, we have added the following changes: - The exchange of $CRUX to Dark Matter has been modified, to improve the security of the exchange, the maximum amount of swaps has been reduced to 2 per day. - The exchange interval from Dark Matter to $CRUX has been increased, if you acquired Dark Matter you will only be able to exchange it back to $CRUX once 24 hours have passed since you acquired it. - Added Adjust collateral option, this will allow you to add more collateral to your Stake in case you have entered your fleets individually. - The Unstake option was added, allowing players who do not wish to participate to withdraw their $CRUX and DM collateral, however, staked fleets were already dismantled so they cannot be recovered. - Finally, the registration period for the Stake will be extended until April 5, 2022 and will be announced in conjunction with the launch of CryptoMines Reborn. For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
23 Mar 2022, 21:41
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Whitepaper Release Greetings once again Explorers @everyone! ๐Ÿ“ We have been attentive to all the feedback regarding the new CryptoMines Reborn mechanics, which has been received positively in most aspects, so we want to take the opportunity to correct also the dissatisfactions we have found. ๐Ÿ–ฅ Due to the feedback received regarding the Stake the following improvements will be made: - The formula with which the staking rewards are delivered will be changed. - The new formula will take into account the $CRUX collateral entered to the Stake in order to be able to distribute the rewards in a fair way. - A new analysis of the rewards will be performed as soon as the registration window closes in order to guarantee that all users can benefit, and if we consider it necessary, the Stake rewards will be extended for a longer period of time in order to guarantee stability and a successful launch of CryptoMines Reborn. - A real-time calculation has also been added to the Stake UI so that you can make your decisions as values change when more people stake. ๐Ÿ’ก The initial intent of the Stake was to reward the smaller explorers who were mostly affected in the Legacy Metaverse, however, we noticed that the veteran guilds were taking advantage of these offers to exploit this approach, for this reason, the indicated changes will be made so that EVERYONE benefits fairly. ๐Ÿ’ญ We strongly encourage you to read the FAQ in the Whitepaper, where you will find our stance and thoughts for the future of the game. For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Whitepaper Release. Greetings once again Explorers @everyone.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Whitepaper Release Greetings once again Explorers @everyone! ๐Ÿ“ We have been attentive to all the feedback regarding the new CryptoMines Reborn mechanics, which has been received positively in most aspects, so we want to take the opportunity to correct also the dissatisfactions we have found. ๐Ÿ–ฅ Due to the feedback received regarding the Stake the following improvements will be made: - The formula with which the staking rewards are delivered will be changed. - The new formula will take into account the $CRUX collateral entered to the Stake in order to be able to distribute the rewards in a fair way. - A new analysis of the rewards will be performed as soon as the registration window closes in order to guarantee that all users can benefit, and if we consider it necessary, the Stake rewards will be extended for a longer period of time in order to guarantee stability and a successful launch of CryptoMines Reborn. - A real-time calculation has also been added to the Stake UI so that you can make your decisions as values change when more people stake. ๐Ÿ’ก The initial intent of the Stake was to reward the smaller explorers who were mostly affected in the Legacy Metaverse, however, we noticed that the veteran guilds were taking advantage of these offers to exploit this approach, for this reason, the indicated changes will be made so that EVERYONE benefits fairly. ๐Ÿ’ญ We strongly encourage you to read the FAQ in the Whitepaper, where you will find our stance and thoughts for the future of the game. For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
22 Mar 2022, 23:58
Hello explorers, ๐Ÿฅณ Happy to announce that the staking page is up โœ… The registration period for fleet staking will last 7 days starting from today, this should give players plenty of time to decide your approach ๐Ÿ’ฐ After 7 days, you will be able to start claiming your staking rewards. ๐Ÿ”— Stake page: ๐Ÿ’ฐ 500k $CRUX have been added as staking rewards (15m USDT at the time of this post) TX: Please remember to read our documentation to learn how staking works: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
Hello explorers,. Happy to announce that the staking page is up.
Hello explorers, ๐Ÿฅณ Happy to announce that the staking page is up โœ… The registration period for fleet staking will last 7 days starting from today, this should give players plenty of time to decide your approach ๐Ÿ’ฐ After 7 days, you will be able to start claiming your staking rewards. ๐Ÿ”— Stake page: ๐Ÿ’ฐ 500k $CRUX have been added as staking rewards (15m USDT at the time of this post) TX: Please remember to read our documentation to learn how staking works: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
21 Mar 2022, 20:40
Hello explorers, ๐Ÿ˜„ Following the updates for the release of CryptoMines Reborn we have revamped our main website. ๐Ÿฅณ We hope you like it! On this new website you will be able to get all the links you need to be able to navigate the entire Reborn and Legacy metaverse. ๐Ÿ”— Website: โš ๏ธ I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to be careful to check the URL, this is our only website and its associated subdomains. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
Hello explorers,. Following the updates for the release of CryptoMines Reborn we have revamped our main website.
Hello explorers, ๐Ÿ˜„ Following the updates for the release of CryptoMines Reborn we have revamped our main website. ๐Ÿฅณ We hope you like it! On this new website you will be able to get all the links you need to be able to navigate the entire Reborn and Legacy metaverse. ๐Ÿ”— Website: โš ๏ธ I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to be careful to check the URL, this is our only website and its associated subdomains. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
21 Mar 2022, 00:26
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Whitepaper Release Greetings once again Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ We have been constantly working for the creation of an economic system that is both innovative and as sustainable as possible inside all Play-To-Earn economies, therefore, we are very happy to finally announce the release of CryptoMines Reborn, the Whitepaper and the release date of CryptoMines Legacy Fleet Staking. ๐Ÿ“… *Next days:* - The Whitepaper is now available with all relevant information. - The Fleet Stake will be available as of Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 00:00 UTC. - The official release of CryptoMines Reborn will be on April 05, 2022, where our new metaverse will open its doors. ๐Ÿ’ญ We have added an important FAQ section that we believe all explorers should read, made as transparent as possible so everyone can make educated decisions. For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Whitepaper Release. Greetings once again Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Whitepaper Release Greetings once again Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ We have been constantly working for the creation of an economic system that is both innovative and as sustainable as possible inside all Play-To-Earn economies, therefore, we are very happy to finally announce the release of CryptoMines Reborn, the Whitepaper and the release date of CryptoMines Legacy Fleet Staking. ๐Ÿ“… *Next days:* - The Whitepaper is now available with all relevant information. - The Fleet Stake will be available as of Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 00:00 UTC. - The official release of CryptoMines Reborn will be on April 05, 2022, where our new metaverse will open its doors. ๐Ÿ’ญ We have added an important FAQ section that we believe all explorers should read, made as transparent as possible so everyone can make educated decisions. For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
18 Feb 2022, 15:15
Hello everyone! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿฅณ CryptoMines Reborn Launch Trailer is finally here! In this trailer you can find some sneak peaks of the new features of Reborn. ๐Ÿค” Will you find them all? ๐Ÿ“ฝ Watch Trailer: ๐Ÿ’ก CryptoMines Reborn Whitepaper will be available in the upcoming weeks. Followed by the Legacy fleet staking and the main game will be enabled. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
Hello everyone. CryptoMines Reborn Launch Trailer is finally here.
Hello everyone! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿฅณ CryptoMines Reborn Launch Trailer is finally here! In this trailer you can find some sneak peaks of the new features of Reborn. ๐Ÿค” Will you find them all? ๐Ÿ“ฝ Watch Trailer: ๐Ÿ’ก CryptoMines Reborn Whitepaper will be available in the upcoming weeks. Followed by the Legacy fleet staking and the main game will be enabled. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
15 Feb 2022, 19:38
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Lottery Greetings once again Explorers @everyone ๐Ÿš€ We are announcing new changes to the Intergalactic Lottery, this is because the long term health of the game was benefiting through burning of half of the cumulative prize pool, however, this made the lottery less appealing, listening to our community we decided to change it to be fully cumulative, The entire reward pool stays until someone wins the jackpot! ๐Ÿ’ฐ In short, the rewards will always be even bigger! For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay Informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Lottery. Greetings once again Explorers @everyone.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Lottery Greetings once again Explorers @everyone ๐Ÿš€ We are announcing new changes to the Intergalactic Lottery, this is because the long term health of the game was benefiting through burning of half of the cumulative prize pool, however, this made the lottery less appealing, listening to our community we decided to change it to be fully cumulative, The entire reward pool stays until someone wins the jackpot! ๐Ÿ’ฐ In short, the rewards will always be even bigger! For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay Informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
06 Feb 2022, 00:25
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Lottery Greetings once again Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ The results of round #19028 of the Intergalactic Lottery had a small delay, we thank you for your participation and congratulate all the winners! For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay Informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Lottery. Greetings once again Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Lottery Greetings once again Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ The results of round #19028 of the Intergalactic Lottery had a small delay, we thank you for your participation and congratulate all the winners! For more information: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay Informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
01 Feb 2022, 22:02
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: ETERNAL Clash โš”๏ธPrepare your weapons and your jewels! โš”๏ธ Tonight we kick off the ETERNAL Clash where you and your ETERNAL will be able to witness cataclysmic events. Select your contenders, defeat them and collect your precious ETERNAL. Victory awaits you. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Chances are 50/50! ๐ŸŽฒ Mini-games: ๐Ÿ“„ Whitepaper: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: ETERNAL Clash. Prepare your weapons and your jewels.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: ETERNAL Clash โš”๏ธPrepare your weapons and your jewels! โš”๏ธ Tonight we kick off the ETERNAL Clash where you and your ETERNAL will be able to witness cataclysmic events. Select your contenders, defeat them and collect your precious ETERNAL. Victory awaits you. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Chances are 50/50! ๐ŸŽฒ Mini-games: ๐Ÿ“„ Whitepaper: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
26 Jan 2022, 21:05
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Legacy ๐Ÿš€ Hello miners! We hope you are doing well, We want to give you a little overview of the updates coming in the next few days. We have been working tirelessly to design and develop a play-to-earn game that is sustainable and long-lasting, in addition to our ambition to once again be the best game developed under the Binance Smart Chain and this is why we have taken the time appropiate time for release. ๐Ÿ“… Next days: - Mini-games with $ETERNAL!: Yes, in the coming days there will be new uses for the remaining ETERNAL in the Galaxy and play Clash the same way you do today with Dark Matter. Battle for those winnings in ETERNAL! - Intergalactic Lottery: Our next release with the sustainability and entertainment of our participants in the CryptoMines metaverse in mind. ๐Ÿ“… Next weeks: - Release date for CryptoMines Reborn Whitepaper, new mechanics and gameplay will be announced. - Staking will be enabled a few days after the release of our whitepaper, so that you can take your time to evaluate your options and select the most convenient one. See you soon with the latest news! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Legacy. Hello miners. We hope you are doing well,.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Legacy ๐Ÿš€ Hello miners! We hope you are doing well, We want to give you a little overview of the updates coming in the next few days. We have been working tirelessly to design and develop a play-to-earn game that is sustainable and long-lasting, in addition to our ambition to once again be the best game developed under the Binance Smart Chain and this is why we have taken the time appropiate time for release. ๐Ÿ“… Next days: - Mini-games with $ETERNAL!: Yes, in the coming days there will be new uses for the remaining ETERNAL in the Galaxy and play Clash the same way you do today with Dark Matter. Battle for those winnings in ETERNAL! - Intergalactic Lottery: Our next release with the sustainability and entertainment of our participants in the CryptoMines metaverse in mind. ๐Ÿ“… Next weeks: - Release date for CryptoMines Reborn Whitepaper, new mechanics and gameplay will be announced. - Staking will be enabled a few days after the release of our whitepaper, so that you can take your time to evaluate your options and select the most convenient one. See you soon with the latest news! ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
20 Jan 2022, 00:23
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash. Salutations Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Over 150,000 DM has been distributed in rewards in the last 72 hours of โš”๏ธCLASHโš”๏ธ. Today we are celebrating the encouraging participation in the mini-games, added to this, we want to inform you of our next mini-game: ๐Ÿช Intergalactic Lottery: It will be released in the coming weeks and you will be able to collect even more Dark Matter in preparation for REBORN. ๐ŸŽ‰ Congratulations to all the bounty hunters who have participated so far, you will have another chance at glory every day starting at 00:00 UTC. Will you be able to take it all? ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash. Salutations Explorers.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash. Salutations Explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Over 150,000 DM has been distributed in rewards in the last 72 hours of โš”๏ธCLASHโš”๏ธ. Today we are celebrating the encouraging participation in the mini-games, added to this, we want to inform you of our next mini-game: ๐Ÿช Intergalactic Lottery: It will be released in the coming weeks and you will be able to collect even more Dark Matter in preparation for REBORN. ๐ŸŽ‰ Congratulations to all the bounty hunters who have participated so far, you will have another chance at glory every day starting at 00:00 UTC. Will you be able to take it all? ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
17 Jan 2022, 00:00
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash โš”๏ธClash is here and starts NOW! โš”๏ธ The first round of Clash finally begins, gather Dark Matter and Prepare for REBORN. Select your contender, use your wisdom and try your luck to win it all. Chances are 50/50! $ETERNAL mini-games will come soon. ๐ŸŽฒ Mini-Games: ๐Ÿ“„ Whitepaper: ๐Ÿ’ฑ Trade your Crux and Dark Matter: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash. Clash is here and starts NOW.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash โš”๏ธClash is here and starts NOW! โš”๏ธ The first round of Clash finally begins, gather Dark Matter and Prepare for REBORN. Select your contender, use your wisdom and try your luck to win it all. Chances are 50/50! $ETERNAL mini-games will come soon. ๐ŸŽฒ Mini-Games: ๐Ÿ“„ Whitepaper: ๐Ÿ’ฑ Trade your Crux and Dark Matter: ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
16 Jan 2022, 14:00
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash โš”๏ธIntroducing Clash! โš”๏ธ Clash is one of our mini-games designed to have fun in the CryptoMines metaverse, as well being able to profit from these mini-games. What is Clash about? Clash is a betting system where you will carefully choose a contender, these selected contenders will enter a 1v1 battle where only one will emerge victorious. Beware! It is not always the strongest, most popular or smartest that will emerge as the champion of the Clash. How do I participate and how do I benefit? As it is a betting system, you will have to purchase tickets by betting on the contender of your choice. If your contender is chosen as the winner, the opponent's rewards will be shared among all the winners. Your reward will be equal to the number of winning tickets you have acquired. Learn more about the Clash in our Whitepaper: Participate from January 17 at 00:00 UTC:
CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash. Introducing Clash.
๐Ÿ“ข CryptoMines Reborn - Minigames: Clash โš”๏ธIntroducing Clash! โš”๏ธ Clash is one of our mini-games designed to have fun in the CryptoMines metaverse, as well being able to profit from these mini-games. What is Clash about? Clash is a betting system where you will carefully choose a contender, these selected contenders will enter a 1v1 battle where only one will emerge victorious. Beware! It is not always the strongest, most popular or smartest that will emerge as the champion of the Clash. How do I participate and how do I benefit? As it is a betting system, you will have to purchase tickets by betting on the contender of your choice. If your contender is chosen as the winner, the opponent's rewards will be shared among all the winners. Your reward will be equal to the number of winning tickets you have acquired. Learn more about the Clash in our Whitepaper: Participate from January 17 at 00:00 UTC:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
09 Jan 2022, 20:36
๐Ÿš€ CryptoMines Reborn is coming!๐Ÿš€ Here's a sneak preview of all the incoming changes and features. ๐Ÿš€ New spaceships. From the beginning Spaceships could not travel far because their technology was limited for many years, many specialists from all factions and different technological areas studied what would be the best materials to innovate in our universe. The most prominent material was the Dark Matter. Dark Matter, a difficult to obtain but very precious material was the key to have better spaceships and tools. With a fuel based on this precious element, new Spaceships were made with better performance, these NFTs are made up of different rarities. Fleets with these rarities will allow you to take your best workers and go further across the Metaverse every day. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMines Reborn is coming. Here's a sneak preview of all the incoming changes and features. New spaceships.
๐Ÿš€ CryptoMines Reborn is coming!๐Ÿš€ Here's a sneak preview of all the incoming changes and features. ๐Ÿš€ New spaceships. From the beginning Spaceships could not travel far because their technology was limited for many years, many specialists from all factions and different technological areas studied what would be the best materials to innovate in our universe. The most prominent material was the Dark Matter. Dark Matter, a difficult to obtain but very precious material was the key to have better spaceships and tools. With a fuel based on this precious element, new Spaceships were made with better performance, these NFTs are made up of different rarities. Fleets with these rarities will allow you to take your best workers and go further across the Metaverse every day. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
23 Dec 2021, 01:18
๐Ÿš€ CryptoMines Reborn ๐Ÿš€ Hello everyone, we want to give you some brief updates on where the current development of CryptoMines Reborn stands, and what's to come: ๐Ÿ“„ A new Whitepaper will be released to inform you of all our updates and changes implemented with CryptoMines Reborn. All chats will be reopened by then. ๐Ÿ’ฐ The 'Stake' feature will be available post Whitepaper release. ๐Ÿงฎ The Stake will have a live counter that will allow you to check an approximate of how much $CRUX you will receive as more people sign up. ๐ŸŽฒ Along with the Stake, two new additional mechanics will also be released that will allow our players to use their Dark Matter, whether acquired normally or by collateral. ๐Ÿš€ This releasing schedule will allow users to do all the corresponding calculations before participating in the stake. ๐Ÿ’Ž All functions within CryptoMines Reborn will use Dark Matter which you can already change at: โ™พ Lastly, refilling the $ETERNAL reward pool will be done once the stake registration is finished, this is necessary, otherwise it will be depleted too rapidly without allowing players to make their withdrawals. ๐Ÿ”” The release of the new Whitepaper and stake will be during the next weeks, from the CryptoMines Reborn team, we wish you happy holidays, we will be working for you with regular updates in the artistic and educational field. Thank you for joining us in this new adventure. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay Informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMines Reborn.
๐Ÿš€ CryptoMines Reborn ๐Ÿš€ Hello everyone, we want to give you some brief updates on where the current development of CryptoMines Reborn stands, and what's to come: ๐Ÿ“„ A new Whitepaper will be released to inform you of all our updates and changes implemented with CryptoMines Reborn. All chats will be reopened by then. ๐Ÿ’ฐ The 'Stake' feature will be available post Whitepaper release. ๐Ÿงฎ The Stake will have a live counter that will allow you to check an approximate of how much $CRUX you will receive as more people sign up. ๐ŸŽฒ Along with the Stake, two new additional mechanics will also be released that will allow our players to use their Dark Matter, whether acquired normally or by collateral. ๐Ÿš€ This releasing schedule will allow users to do all the corresponding calculations before participating in the stake. ๐Ÿ’Ž All functions within CryptoMines Reborn will use Dark Matter which you can already change at: โ™พ Lastly, refilling the $ETERNAL reward pool will be done once the stake registration is finished, this is necessary, otherwise it will be depleted too rapidly without allowing players to make their withdrawals. ๐Ÿ”” The release of the new Whitepaper and stake will be during the next weeks, from the CryptoMines Reborn team, we wish you happy holidays, we will be working for you with regular updates in the artistic and educational field. Thank you for joining us in this new adventure. ๐Ÿ–– Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay Informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
17 Dec 2021, 03:33
๐Ÿš€ CryptoMines Reborn ๐Ÿš€ This time we come with more information regarding our official CryptoMines Reborn coin launch and stake details. ๐Ÿ“ˆ The official launch of our $CRUX token will be on Saturday 12-18-2021. As previously announced, it will be a stealth launch, so it will be announced 5 minutes after its official listing, this is done in order to avoid trading bots and coin snipers. $CRUX CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0xe0191fEfdd0D2B39b1a2E4E029cCDA8A481b7995 โš ๏ธ PLEASE BE ADVISED, WE WILL ANNOUNCE WHEN WE ADD LIQUIDITY AND THE TOKEN IS AVAILABLE FOR BUYING, AVOID SCAMS AT ALL COSTS. โš ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ธ Details of our token: $CRUX:. - It will have a maximum supply of $5,000,000 $CRUX. - Will have a 2% tax on every purchase and 4% on every sale, these taxes will go entirely to the Rewards pool (allowing price speculation to constantly fuel the project). - It has a sales cooldown of 60 seconds in order to protect it from trading bots. - Rewards pool and stake allocation: 40% of $CRUX tokens. - Initial token liquidity provided by the developers will be 1,500,000 USDT using 50% of the $CRUX tokens (This is an important detail that allows liquidity to exist for the full sale of the coin). - Marketing and collaborations: 10% of the tokens. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Details corresponding to the staking of fleets in CryptoMines Legacy:. - You must have fleets in CryptoMines Legacy to access the stake. - You must purchase collateral in 'Dark Matter', which will be returned to you in-game and can only be used in CryptoMines Reborn, either in mini-games or post-release. - You will have to buy collateral in '$CRUX', which will be added to the stake as rewards for all users, thus making the rewards more attractive for everyone long term. - The total duration of the stake is 6 months, its rewards will be delivered daily and are cumulative (it is not necessary to claim them every day). - The stake rewards will start to be delivered after the registration phase is finished, which has a duration of 7 days. - The stake takes into account the total MP of all fleets in your account (can't choose them) and burns them all in case of entering the stake. - The total tokens to be distributed for the stake are 500.000 $CRUX (10% of the existing $CRUX) we will also add the collateral of $CRUX as rewards for all users, so the total value of the rewards can only be calculated after the closing of the registration phase. - All fleets will be able to participate, with no transfer time restrictions or anything of the sort. While it is true that many players do not like the idea of adding collateral, it is something necessary to ensure that only players who come from CryptoMines Legacy are rewarded and it will also help ensure a future for CryptoMines Reborn where everyone will benefit from these mechanics (Since everyone will receive a bonus in $CRUX and thus bet on the future of CryptoMines Reborn). You can see the collateral amounts and costs in the attached table, for example, it's calculated as 0.01 per point of Mine Power if your account has 499 MP collateral would cost $4,99 USDT in Dark Matter and $1,24 USDT in $CRUX, scaling upwards if you got more MP. โœจ Welcome To CryptoMines Reborn โœจ Stay informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMines Reborn.
๐Ÿš€ CryptoMines Reborn ๐Ÿš€ This time we come with more information regarding our official CryptoMines Reborn coin launch and stake details. ๐Ÿ“ˆ The official launch of our $CRUX token will be on Saturday 12-18-2021. As previously announced, it will be a stealth launch, so it will be announced 5 minutes after its official listing, this is done in order to avoid trading bots and coin snipers. $CRUX CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0xe0191fEfdd0D2B39b1a2E4E029cCDA8A481b7995 โš ๏ธ PLEASE BE ADVISED, WE WILL ANNOUNCE WHEN WE ADD LIQUIDITY AND THE TOKEN IS AVAILABLE FOR BUYING, AVOID SCAMS AT ALL COSTS. โš ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ธ Details of our token: $CRUX:. - It will have a maximum supply of $5,000,000 $CRUX. - Will have a 2% tax on every purchase and 4% on every sale, these taxes will go entirely to the Rewards pool (allowing price speculation to constantly fuel the project). - It has a sales cooldown of 60 seconds in order to protect it from trading bots. - Rewards pool and stake allocation: 40% of $CRUX tokens. - Initial token liquidity provided by the developers will be 1,500,000 USDT using 50% of the $CRUX tokens (This is an important detail that allows liquidity to exist for the full sale of the coin). - Marketing and collaborations: 10% of the tokens. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Details corresponding to the staking of fleets in CryptoMines Legacy:. - You must have fleets in CryptoMines Legacy to access the stake. - You must purchase collateral in 'Dark Matter', which will be returned to you in-game and can only be used in CryptoMines Reborn, either in mini-games or post-release. - You will have to buy collateral in '$CRUX', which will be added to the stake as rewards for all users, thus making the rewards more attractive for everyone long term. - The total duration of the stake is 6 months, its rewards will be delivered daily and are cumulative (it is not necessary to claim them every day). - The stake rewards will start to be delivered after the registration phase is finished, which has a duration of 7 days. - The stake takes into account the total MP of all fleets in your account (can't choose them) and burns them all in case of entering the stake. - The total tokens to be distributed for the stake are 500.000 $CRUX (10% of the existing $CRUX) we will also add the collateral of $CRUX as rewards for all users, so the total value of the rewards can only be calculated after the closing of the registration phase. - All fleets will be able to participate, with no transfer time restrictions or anything of the sort. While it is true that many players do not like the idea of adding collateral, it is something necessary to ensure that only players who come from CryptoMines Legacy are rewarded and it will also help ensure a future for CryptoMines Reborn where everyone will benefit from these mechanics (Since everyone will receive a bonus in $CRUX and thus bet on the future of CryptoMines Reborn). You can see the collateral amounts and costs in the attached table, for example, it's calculated as 0.01 per point of Mine Power if your account has 499 MP collateral would cost $4,99 USDT in Dark Matter and $1,24 USDT in $CRUX, scaling upwards if you got more MP. โœจ Welcome To CryptoMines Reborn โœจ Stay informed: ๐Ÿ“ข Twitter: ๐Ÿ“ข Facebook: ๐Ÿ“ข Discord: ๐Ÿ“ข Telegram:
CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
14 Dec 2021, 04:03
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CryptoMinesETERNAL #4785
08 Dec 2021, 00:30
๐Ÿ”ŠWEBSITE STATUS๐Ÿ”Š Hi everyone, AWS is having issues, some people might have services disruption to access the main website ( Please use this instead: You can check the AWS status here: We are sorry for any interruption, we are working very hard, thanks for your patience ๐Ÿ––:Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay informed: ๐Ÿ”ŠTwitter: ๐Ÿ”Š Facebook: ๐Ÿ”ŠDiscord: ๐Ÿ”ŠTelegram:
WEBSITE STATUS. Hi everyone, AWS is having issues, some people might have services disruption to access the main website ().
๐Ÿ”ŠWEBSITE STATUS๐Ÿ”Š Hi everyone, AWS is having issues, some people might have services disruption to access the main website ( Please use this instead: You can check the AWS status here: We are sorry for any interruption, we are working very hard, thanks for your patience ๐Ÿ––:Safe travels, explorers! ๐Ÿš€ Stay informed: ๐Ÿ”ŠTwitter: ๐Ÿ”Š Facebook: ๐Ÿ”ŠDiscord: ๐Ÿ”ŠTelegram: